How Do I buy resources ?
Simply search for the items you are looking for, add them to your basket and head to our secure checkout page.
You need to become a member before checkout. This is a easy steps and you can use your existing Google or Facebook Accounts, this will help you to have access to your resources for up to 30 days. Just use your details to login on your next visit.
How do I receive my products ?
Your digital purchase will be available to download once your purchase is completed. You will also receive an email with links to your downloads via email.
The downloads will also be on your accounts under 'My Orders' tab for up to 30 days.
How do I pay ?
We accept payments, securely only through PayPal and through the payment gateway for WiX.
For payments under 1 pound you will need to use PayPal but for anything over that you can use our normal checkout process. If you choose to pay by PayPal that would still fine
Your payments to our website will be listed on your bank statement as 'RESWHIZCOM' if you use PayPal and 'Resourcewhizz' if you use our normal gateway.